GEO Reentry Mentorship Services in line with report from the National Reentry Resource Center

The National Reentry Resource Center released a 45 page report on mentorship as a component of reentry services. The report covers a number of considerations for operating facilities to keep in mind, by identifying and addressing reentry needs, ensuring mentoring services, and equipping mentors with the tools for successful outcomes. Instructions are offered for group, one-on-one, and peer mentoring services to help returning citizens succeed.

Luckily, the GEO Reentry has programs to support mentorship:

“GEO Reentry’s Alumni Services program has long employed the practice of mentoring to benefit former program participants, connecting them with GEO Reentry staff members and fellow program alumni to help them create a supportive social network. Ongoing mentorship is also supplemented by links to community resources for employment, educational and housing, as well as access to community service opportunities. In addition, former participants are also allowed to return the favor by visiting GEO Reentry centers to offer current program participants guidance and support.”

GEO Reentry Services offer cognitive-behavioral treatment that is intended to enhance social skills and encourage interpersonal problem-solving. GEO Reentry offers a number of specialized programs – Spanish-speaking programs, female-only programs, and programs for inmates released from life-sentences. Read more here.

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