Graceville – 2018 Release Data
- Graceville Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility houses 1,884 community, minimum, medium and close custody adult male offenders
- 551 participants were released in 2018
- 85% of those eligible (467 of 551) engaged in Individual Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (ICBT) and/or Post-Release Support Services
- Figure 3 shows a 36% variance in recidivism between the participants who opted out and those who engaged in ICBT and Post-Release Support Services
The following activities and achievements highlight the value of GEO’s Continuum of Care:
- Hosted the second GEO Continuum of Care Training Conference in October 2019 as an opportunity for facility leadership to engage with CoC experts and former CoC participants
- Three new sites received GEO Continuum of Care certification, including Central Arizona in Arizona, George W. Hill Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania, and Lea County in New Mexico, totaling 20 certified U.S. sites
- Provided 36,539 Individual Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (ICBT) sessions in 2019, more than twice the 16,409 ICBT sessions provided in 2018
- Opened Ashland University branch campuses at Riverbend and Graceville to enable students to enroll in post-secondary education courses while in custody; through the partnership, students can continue to receive a Pell Grant after release, allowing them to finish their degree
- Partnered with former NFL player, Jack Brewer, to deliver Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business programs (certification track)
- Awarded 2,882 high school equivalency diplomas
- Awarded 9,413 vocational certificates
- Achieved 8,767 substance use program completions
- Expanded Post-Release Services to 19 sites
- Conducted presentations at the International Corrections and Prisons Association in Buenos Aires including “Preparing Women for Reentry with Gender Responsivity,” a look at our services offered at McFarland FRCF and “Post-Release Services for Returning Individuals – The Importance of Providing Support”