GEO’s Post-Release Services team provides unique and enhanced aftercare support for high-risk returning citizens in partnership with community agencies. Post-release services increase the probability that an individual will successfully reintegrate into society and minimize the possibility that they will re-offend.
Prior to release, a dedicated Post-Release Case Manager works with a Facility Transitional Case Manager and the participant to develop a transition plan prior to release. Upon community reentry, post-release participants receive referral assistance and support services through GEO’s 24/7 call center. Post-Release Case Managers perform weekly progress check-ups and coordinate additional resources as needed to assist participants in remaining committed to their transition plan.
In 2019, post-release participants were provided financial support of more than $1.9 million through Funded Individual Support Packages (FISPs), supporting 3,840 participants in the community. A breakdown by FISP service category includes:

This innovative approach to case management was successfully implemented in six additional GEO Continuum of Care facilities in 2019, bringing the total to 19 facilities:
Implemented in 2019
- Central Arizona Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- Florence West Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- Guadalupe County Correctional Facility
- Heritage Trail Correctional Facility
- Lawrenceville Correctional Facility
- Lea County Correctional Facility
Implemented in 2018
- Central Valley MCCF
- Desert View MCCF
- Golden State MCCF
- Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- Leidel Residential Reentry Center
- McFarland Female Community Reentry Facility
Implemented in 2017
- Blackwater River Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- Bay Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- Moore Haven Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- South Bay Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
Implemented in 2016
- Graceville Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- Riverbend Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
- Rivers Correctional Facility