“She believed in me when I didn’t want to believe in myself… I am proud of who I am as a man right now but I know I am nowhere near my peak.”
Steadmund Anthony, Returning Citizen
Steadmund Anthony served his time in Midgeville, Georgia at the Riverbend Facility. He told us his first notion was to leave ASAP but then he heard about the CoC. Although he was skeptical at first, he signed up. It was there that he found the support that he was looking for and even more so in post release.
It was in his reentry that Steadmund found unwavering support. He developed a strong relationship with his post-release case manager, Kristen Heller. He said, “She believed in me when I didn’t want to believe in myself.” That support and relationship helped him to push more each day. “I am proud of who I am as a man right now but I know I am nowhere near my peak,” he said and have the goals to give back to his community.