Rashod Wiggins: My Role as a Post-Release Case Manager

“The Continuum of Care Program is greatly helping to reduce recidivism; we just don’t cater to the guys that are coming out. In the COC program, we are preparing them and prepping them when they get released.”

Rashod Wiggins, GEO Post- Release Case Manager

Post-release care management is an integral component to the Continuum of Care. Case managers provide peer-to-peer guidance and support as returning citizens undergo their transition back to society. Rashod Wiggins is one of many GEO post-release case managers and helping returning citizens every day. We sat down with Rashod who shared his experience working as a post-release case manager and the positive impact the program has for supporting returning citizens.

Rashod, a returning citizen, understands the challenges and stress that individuals experience when released. He uses that knowledge and experience to connect with individuals who are preparing to or transitioned back. He explained:

“I am able to relate because I have done time behind the wall. It’s more of a peer to peer type guidance when they hear from someone who actually been there. I never would have thought in a million years, somebody like me will actually be in a position that I’m in now. And being able to assist other guys, help level them up, and move them forward in their life.”

You can learn more about Rashod’s story and his role as a post-release case manager here:

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